Tuesday, May 23, 2006

goo goo ga ga

Its more than just sounds, she is really trying to talk to us. Lately at the dinner table, Ramona loves to talk to us in her, ma ma ma ma and da da da da sounds, we like to think she knows what she is saying, however I don't think she is quite at Mama and Dada yet, maybe..Not sure. But its just amazing to listen to her sounds and watch her expressions, especially during meal time. She is really starting to understand us when we communicate to her. We can see that she knows when we are home, cause she gets all excited to be in her chair and be familiar with her surroundings. She sometimes becomes shy when people are trying to coo at her, she snuggles into Mommy like a bashful little koala bear. makes me melt Its incredible the little person she has become. She has preferences and likes and dislikes, especially with food and people and the best is when she mimics an action we show her! She is a HAM!!! She loves to crawl into bed with us in the early morning and laugh and snuggle with Daddy. She doesn't actually crawl into the bed, but you catch my drift. Its important to spend time together as a family as often as possible and so we manage to get our time in , in the morning. Its a nice start to the day. She is adventurous and finding all the different parts on her body that do different things, one of the latest is her hair! Its so funny when she feels her hair on top of her head, as if she was an old man stratching the top of their head. She loves to feel things by stratching them. It becomes painful when me or Daddy is the ginuea pig. What a time this is --- She crawls everywhere we delight and determination. She wants anything that is not a toy, especially shoes. She likes to stand where able, but shortly falling not knowing how to balance herself yet...That can become painful to Mommy's ears. I do try to protect her falling, but there are those times that I miss and she falls and its quite the scene! Soon enough she will be able to balance on those cute feet and fall on purpose for attention. Thats another one of her favorite things to do is cough (not a real one) as many times until I am giving her my full attention. How did they get that smart?! Amazing. More next time. Ta-ta for now!

1 comment:

lb said...

I hope I can play with her soon!